- Examples of the lookup tables (LUT) and configuration files to upload in the system for the use of the Sen4CAP processors
- Example of the full range of data to upload in the system to be able to use all the Sen4CAP processors
Example of the full range of data to upload in the system to be able to use all the Sen4CAP processors contains:
- 01_site_extent: extent of the example site in the Netherlands (shp)
- 02_parcels_declaration: parcels declaration belonging to this site and fields attribution (shp and txt)
- 03_L4A_LUT: Look-Up-Table which links the original crop code with a series of information used by the advanced processors (needed for all L4x processors)
- 04_L4B_config_file: configuration file for the use of the L4B grassland mowing processor
- 05_L4C_config_file_and_practice_files: configuration file and practice files (harvest and catch crop) for the use of the L4C EFA practices monitoring processor
In the 02_parcels_declaration directory, you can also find a sample of the parcels belonging to this site (10% of the 313039 parcels, by original crop code) if you want to get faster results. The practice files corresponding to this sample are available in the 05_L4C_config_file_and_practice_files directory.