Sen4CAP Videos


Recording of the 13th webinar in April 2024

We presented the new processors, i.e. Parcels heterogeneity, Bare soil detection and Change of land category, which are included in the latest 4.0 Sen4CAP version.

Recording of the 12th webinar in February 2023

We presented the algorithms used, feedback from the pilot countries and results for the 3 new use cases – Parcels heterogeneity, Bare soil detection and Change of land category. We also presented the new features in the upcoming version of the Sen4CAP system.

Recording of the 11th webinar in October 2022

We presented the R&D activities in the past months on the two new use cases: Sub-parcel heterogeneity marker and Bare soil marker. We also presented the changes in the current and upcoming version of the system.

Recording of the 10th webinar in February 2022

We presented the new use cases that will be implemented in the following months: Sub-parcel heterogeneity marker, Change in land use categories between years and Bare soil markers. We also had a Q&A session related to the 3rd version of the system.

Recording of the 9th webinar in November 2021

The new version 3.0 of the Sen4CAP system was released. It brings new web interface with improved system configurator and visualisation of the products, more comprehensive markers DB, improved security of the Sen4CAP services and new docker images for S2 pre-processing and grassland mowing processor. Gerhard Triebnig and Stefan Achtsnit from EOX and David Kolitzus from GeoVille presented the state of play of the EO-Widget project. The last topic was an open call for the new use cases which will focus on supporting the transition towards the performance regulations and will require active participation of the Paying Agency involved.

Recording of the 8th webinar in September 2021

Dominique Laurent, from IGN-France, presented us their work achieved within the NIVA project on 2 topics strongly linked with the new CAP monitoring system: satellite (Sentinel) imagery access and an UML model on EO monitoring. Tor Nielsen, from Planet, had a talk on the Planet data and their potential for CbM and introduced their work with pilot Paying Agencies in testing these Planet images. We also announced the next version 3.0 of the Sen4CAP system and the extension of the Sen4CAP activities.

Note: Due to a technical issue, the recording was started at the middle of the first presentation.

Recording of the 7th webinar in May 2021

Two CAP-related initiatives were presented: EO-WIDGET Project Building on Sen4CAP and Expert Judgement Application – Sinergise presented the application intended for authorized operators to decide about the “inconclusive parcels”, where the machine learning fails to determine compliance (or non-compliance) with an appropriate level of confidence.

Recordings of the Final User Workshop on 4-5 March 2021

Day 1: Welcome address by DG Agri

Day 1: Welcome address by ESA

Day 1: Achievements of the Sen4CAP project

Day 1: Lessons learned from the Netherlands Paying Agency

Day 1: Lessons learned from the Lithuanian Paying Agency

Day 1: Lessons learned from the Castilla y Leon Paying Agency

Day 1: Lessons learned from the French Paying Agency

Day 1: Lessons learned from the Polish Institute of Geodesy and Cartography

Day 1: Lessons learned from the Swedish Paying Agency

Day 1: Lessons learned from Ibykus, contractor of Thuringia PA (Germany)

Day 2: System overview & what is new in version 2.0

Day 2: Markers database

Day 2: Tillage detection processor

Day 2: New features in the upcoming version 3.0

Recording of the 6th webinar in January 2021

We presented the upcoming release of version 2.0 with the main focus on the markers database and the outcomes of the season 2020 demonstration in the pilot countries.

Recording of the 5th webinar in November 2020

We presented the upcoming release of version 1.3, the new processor for tillage detection, and discussed the end of the project in terms of user support. Justina Vitkute from the Danish paying agency presented their Sen4CAP experiment with maize harvest analysis for the season 2019.

Recordings of the on-line training in April 2020

Lesson 1: Introduction to the system

Sen4CAP system and visualization tool: objective, overview, architecture, data flow.

Lesson 2: Auxiliary information preparation

When and how to upload auxiliary data necessary to start using the Sen4CAP processors.

Lesson 3: Upload of parcels information

Upload subsidy application layer (parcels) and configuration files for different processors.

Lesson 4: First steps of the system operation

Connect to the web interface, create and configure your site, launch the automatic mode. Then monitor the download and processing progress.

Lesson 5: System installation

ICT requirements and the installation procedure.

Short videos on Sen4CAP products and use cases

Sen4CAP overview

A short overview of the Sen4CAP project – partners, how it addresses the diversity of the European agricultural landscape, about Sen4CAP system, examples of the results produced in season 2019 for different pilot countries.

Crop type mapping supporting crop diversification

Sen4CAP crop type classification in the context of compliance assessment with regard to the crop diversification rules.

Monitoring of agricultural practices

About the concept of the S1 and S2 time-series analyses per parcel and applying decision trees to determine the degree of compliance of the declared agricultural practice.

Detection of mowing events

Based on mowing intervals detected and the mowing mandatory periods, the grassland mowing processor assesses parcel compliancy with regard to the national regulations.

Visualisation of the Sen4CAP results

Some examples of how Sen4CAP products could be visualised. For the purpose of the presentation of the datasets produced for the pilot countries, an existing WebGIS application was configured and upgraded to demonstrate how Sen4CAP products can be integrated into existing standard GIS environment of the Paying Agency.